Wednesday, 31 October 2012

The Royal Tennebaums is a fiction family created based on the real society but still has its own world which might never happen in real life. What it means is like that family has divorced parents and 3 kids like a lot of normal families. However, the way the kids were raised is so in-ordinary. Each one is pretty crazy and they become their own type of genius. The lines, the actions and the scenes are nowhere close to the reality but it paints something that show how people want to direct their lives in the same way. Moreover, in this movie, family is also a place where built up the children's talents. The kids are genius. One was able to build up a lot of plays since she was young, one was able to maintain and prosper a business since he was small and one was a champion in tennis for years. They all have motivations to work and succeed. those motivations don't show up at the beginning of the movie. However, when everyone starts to collapse and fail then we know what are so important to them that inspire them to work. The tennis champion stops his career because of his loved woman gets married to someone else. The kid who establishes his business at an early age stops his job because of his wife's death. And the girl who loves the plays stops writing new ones because she did not find her true love and her works are not appreciated. The common thing of all of them is that their family is falling apart. Their base is not concrete anymore. They have the reason to fail but also we realize what makes a genius. One among many reasons is love. When you have your mind filled with love, you don't have to worry about where your heart belongs to anymore. You can feel more safe and secure to work and move on other things in your life when you got love. It is everyday proved to be true.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Education kills creativity?

Education is an important aspect of life and without it we cannot develop our modern life further. However the way education is organized in order to provide everyone a comprehensive development matters quite a lot.

I want to discuss about how education and creativity relate to each other. At school, from the elementary to the high school, paralyzing with academic lectures we have extra curriculum activities and elective classes. So actually, the school system in America supports the development of the students more roundly. However, there are still some lacks of creativity development perspectives in the education system. The teachers have not paid attention enough to the real potential of the students in class. According to the TED talk, Ken Robinson told a story about a girl who was moving in class during a test and the teacher asked her mom to take her to have some check outs. It turned out that she loved dancing and she was good at it so her mom sent her to a dance school so she could develop her ability better. However, not a lot of teachers could do that anywhere. It was just a rare example when you teach and you can discover someone's talent. Most of the time the teachers will tell the students to stop disturbing the class and write them detentions. That kills creativity. 

I also share with you guys my example beyond this country. I had my elementary and secondary education in Vietnam. The system is totally different there. But there is one thing that was wrong that makes me remember the most back in time. When we started to learn how to write and spell, if a student tended to write by her or his left hand then she or he would get punished. I am not sure why writing by the left hand was considered to be wrong back there in Vietnam. However, I think that is pretty stupid because as I have studied, writing by the left hand could balance your brain better and it helps you potentially being more creative. The teachers purposely made the students to change their ability in learning. That kills creativity. 

What should we do to stop this? We should have more well rounded education. The teachers should be more aware of their student's potentials. Parents should encourage and let their children go to the schools that can elevate their talents. Everyone deserves to have a better education where the creativity is put ahead. Lastly, being able to learn with your ability and develop your talents is really important in order to develop creativity. Because creativity is very important to the human beings as I have proved in many previous posts.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Revision and creativity

Okay so revision first of all will help you complete your paper better. It is not only about grammar but about the content that you write about that you have to revise. Revision is a process which could might take more than 1 hour. Every writer should revise after their first draft. Famous writers always do like that for example: 50% Prewriting; 10% Drafting-Writing; 25% Revising; 10% Editing... This is J.K. Rowling's planning sheet for Harry Potter. See how revising takes 25% on her work there? Yes it is really important. If you follow the steps on this site, there is a high chance you will make your paper better than the first time you write it:

How revision and creativity relate to each other? After you revise your draft the first time, you might change some of your idea to be something new, something better. If you read my last few posts, you will see that basing on the original ideas you can create new ones  that are more creative, more attractive. You have to do your revision carefully in details. You don't have to do it in one day. Take your time and use the right methods. You might not have creative ideas for the first time you compose your essay but after revision, you probably will find something else that is better. Revision stimulates your creative process.
Don't just stop right after you write your essay!