Saturday, 6 October 2012

Revision and creativity

Okay so revision first of all will help you complete your paper better. It is not only about grammar but about the content that you write about that you have to revise. Revision is a process which could might take more than 1 hour. Every writer should revise after their first draft. Famous writers always do like that for example: 50% Prewriting; 10% Drafting-Writing; 25% Revising; 10% Editing... This is J.K. Rowling's planning sheet for Harry Potter. See how revising takes 25% on her work there? Yes it is really important. If you follow the steps on this site, there is a high chance you will make your paper better than the first time you write it:

How revision and creativity relate to each other? After you revise your draft the first time, you might change some of your idea to be something new, something better. If you read my last few posts, you will see that basing on the original ideas you can create new ones  that are more creative, more attractive. You have to do your revision carefully in details. You don't have to do it in one day. Take your time and use the right methods. You might not have creative ideas for the first time you compose your essay but after revision, you probably will find something else that is better. Revision stimulates your creative process.
Don't just stop right after you write your essay!


  1. I really loved how you connected revision and creativity in this blog! I also enjoyed that you placed hints and tips on how to revise a project or creative piece. I don't think many people thought about doing that, so props to you! Do you feel that revision also stimulates your piece's originality?

  2. Thank you!

    At some point, I think that revision might help me protect my originality and prevent me from taking other people's work by accident. If I re-read my paper and find out that "oh this idea is already taken and I should revise it with something else". I think that will be more productive.

  3. I thought that you placing hints was a good help to myself and others who read your post. Seeing as I need to take more time on revision and all. Your relation between revision and creativity was also very well written and got me thinking about what I feel creativity is again. Overall great post Annie!

    1. Thank you Will! I appreciate your opinion a lot.
