Monday 24 September 2012

My first shitty draft - What is creativity?

Creativity legitimately is an outstanding perspective of life. Now a day, the trend of the people who keep their innovative positions in the society is getting bigger, and for a reason: they are creative. For example, you think of a new script for a fiction movie. Since the movie fiction, so it is not supposed to be real. Therefore, you need to think over the reality to have a good story and interest the audience. That is one situation when creativity is used.

Anyone can be creative but it depends on the level of thinking out of the box is. Encountering the idea of being able to come up with fresh ideas, being passive and conservative are the two negative adjective that people might be, which takes them away from creativity. No one could ever just sit still and suddenly explode with incredible thoughts. Nevertheless, always holding negative ideas in the head would not help people exploring new ideas. One example of how necessary for being creative is when you do a project in class and it requires your innovation. You cannot just give it up, think simple and never try to figure new ways to solve the problem. It would bring your grade down with poor thinking process, which in this case is non-creativity.

Creativity includes imagination. You tend to imagine things that do not exist. Last class of freshman seminar, the professor assigned each divided group in class three objects and asked them to think of how to survive with those tools. Even the tool might be the bird feeder but one group of student still thought of catching fireflies to have light at night. It is pretty creative even we think that it’s impossible to think of any usage for the bird feeder in order to survive in a wild island. Sometimes, imagination just makes your life more interesting, not only to survive like in the example.

Besides, innovation is a part of creativity. Steve Jobs is a typical paradigm of getting innovative ideas. He invented apple and so far, people still love his products. He created his own label and even now when he is dead, people still remember of him as a great inventor of all time. Think of something new might change the world. Or It would just change some individual’s life but in a positive way.

How to think creatively is not an easy question. There are a few methods proposed during these recent decades. Having listened to the TED talk about fashion, Johanna, who was presenting the talk, made some quiet good points of views. She stated that copying in fashion is not that bad. It, indeed, is a good idea to create new things. Some designers tend to always draw something too artistic and expensive so their products have only upper classmen can enjoy their works, not even buying. On the other hand, with some practical designers, they could copy those famous works and turn them into something utilitarian. What it means is to be practical. You catch the real need of the most consumers and provide them what they want. That definitely will help you make a lot of money. Basically, art is great, but money is more important, too. Therefore, in order to make a lot of money, you should be practical and creative. Think fast.

Another way to be creative is to find your inspiration. When you need to come up with something new, you should find something similar to it, and try to operate what is inside so you can understand the background of the problem better. The movie “The red violin” is about how a violin was made a few centuries ago has been traveling around the world. Based on the way the previous owners play the instruments, the later owners get progressive in using it. But the reason why the violin is loved and moved from people to people is because it is unique. It was painted by the blood of the inventor’s wife. The inventor puts all of his love and uses his wife’s death as his inspiration to create such an incredible instrument. Considering carefully, we can see that to be creative, most of the time motivation is needed till the end.

When you think creatively, you act more positively and efficiently. It trains you to think fast and be able to survive in some odd situations that you are never prepared before. You can make a stand out, a label for yourself that everyone will notice you because you have creativity and you think differently, more openly than the others.

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